
Map Sheet:



Managed by:

Area (ha) and Tenure:


Site Description

North Warren and Aldringham Walks lies within the Sandlings area of the Suffolk coast within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It comprises a wide range of habitats including important areas of lowland wet grassland,reedbed,heathland and shingle beach. The site regularly holds nationally important wintering populations of white-fronted goose,shoveler and gadwall.It supports over one hundred species of breeding birds including a nationally important population of woodlarks plus many unusual migrants. Eleven plant species of national importance have been located and the site is also important for its Lepidoptera and Odonata.

Main Manaqement Policies

1 To manage 97.5ha of lowland wet grassland principally for the benefit of breeding waders and wintering waterfowl.

2 To manage the Sandlings heath principally for the benefit of breeding stone-curlew,nightjar and woodlark and for its botanical interest.

3 To manage the reedbed and fen for the typical assemblage of breeding reedbed birds,including potentially bittern,and for its botanical interest.

4 To cater for up to 10,000 visitors per annum.

5 To monitor important species and assemblages of all groups in relation to habitat management.

Main descriptions and Operat ions

1 Summer graze 97.50 ha of lowland wet grassland using cattle at a density of 100-350 livestock days/ha/year.

2 Shallow flood approximately 30% of the lowland wet grassland during winter and maintain high ditch water levels for the rest of the year.

3 Sheep graze the Sandlings heathland througout the year at a density in the region of 120 livestock days/ha/year.

4 Control bracken and heathland scrub by herbicide control & cutting.

5 Retain high water levels in the 60ha of reedbed and rotationally cut reed in winter on a 5-10 year rotation.